How to start a Betta Fish Tank

Setting Up The Tank:

  1. Get a 5 Gallon Fish tank with all the accessories , decorations , filter and a heater.
  2. Then you must rinse up the gravel and the plastic plants (optional) if you have any , but it is always a good idea to put real plants. Anyways , after rinsing the decorations you can set them up in the tank.
  3. You will need to set up a small filter to clean the tank and to provide air to the fish.
  4. And as Betta Fish is a Tropical Fish you will need a heater to keep the temperature balanced and a little warm , you can set the temperature anywhere from 75F - 82F as this is the best temperature for many other Tropical Fish as well.
  5. After doing the above steps you can fill the tank with fresh and clean water make sure you add dechlorinators in the water to kill the germs which can even kill your fish most likely. And for Bettas it is good to add methylene blue in the tank which protect it from many diseases and also keep the fish safe. 
  6. Finally you can start up the filter and the heater and keep it open for around 7-10 days so that the tank gets cycled and the useful bacteria start to grow.

    Buying The Fish:

    1. When you go to the Pet Shop look around for some colourful and attractive Bettas and never buy the Bettas with rotten fins , dull colours and also if the fish is slow and unhealthy then never buy that fish , even if one of these signs are present in your observation.
    2. In most pet shops Bettas are usually kept in small bowls , so you need to take healthy , colourful and attractive Bettas. Place your finger near the bowl if it reacts and moves around then it may mean the fish is healthy. 

    Introding The Fish to the Tank:

    1. When you bring the fish home let the fish bag float in the tank for around 30-40 minutes so that the water temperature gets same in the bag as the tank.
    2. After that put the fish in the tank from a net from the bag to the tank and throw away the water in the bag away.
    3. Now your fish tank is set and you can enjoy your beautiful fish.

    Written By

         Shayan Ali

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